Results for 'William P. Jennings'

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  1.  25
    Political Keywords: Using Language That Uses Us.Roderick P. Hart, Sharon E. Jarvis, William P. Jennings & Deborah Smith-Howell - 2004 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal in the United States, but that statement does not hold true for words. Some words carry more weight than others--they seem to work harder, get more done, and demand more respect. Political Keywords: Using Language that Uses Us looks at eight dominant words that are crucial to American political discourse, and how they have been employed during the last fifty years. Based on an analysis of eleven separate studies of (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning.William P. Alston - 1999 - Cornell University Press.
    William P. Alston. difference in the scope of the rule reflects the fact that I-rules exist for the sake of making communication possible. Whereas their cousins are enacted and enforced for other reasons. We could distinguish I-rules just by this ...
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  3. Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience.William P. Alston - 1991 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    In this clear and provocative account of the epistemology of religious experience, William P. Alston argues that the perception of God—his term for direct experiential awareness of God—makes a major contribution to the grounds of religious belief. Surveying the variety of reported direct experiences of God, Alston demonstrates that a person can be justified in holding certain beliefs about God on the basis of mystical experience.
  4.  44
    Aune on thought and language.William P. Alston - 1969 - Noûs 3 (2):169-183.
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    Dretske on knowledge.William P. Alston - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):63-64.
  6. The problems of philosophy.William P. Alston & Richard B. Brandt (eds.) - 1967 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
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    William Cullen and the teaching of chemistry.William P. D. Wightman - 1955 - Annals of Science 11 (2):154-165.
  8.  6
    The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas by Romanus Cessario, O.P.William P. Loewe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 147 The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas. By ROMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Studies in historical theology. v. 6. Petersham, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1990. Pp. xxiv + 214. $14.95 (paper). The Godly Image presents a retouched version of the author's dissertation, first published in 1982 as Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas: Towards a Personalist Understanding (Washington, DC: University Press of America). Seeking (...)
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  9. The reliability of sense perception.William P. Alston - 1993 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Chapter INTRODUCTION i. The Problem Why suppose that sense perception is, by and large, an accurate source of information about the physical environment? ...
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  10. Phillips, SH-Classical Indian Metaphysics.P. Williams - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:186-187.
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    Functionalism and Theological Language.William P. Alston - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (3):221 - 230.
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    “Fact” and “Value” in the Thought of Peter Winch.William P. Brandon - 1982 - Political Theory 10 (2):215-244.
    Collingwood's... descendants... will be engaged in conceptual analysis not unlike other modern forms of conceptual analysis but not so isolated, in principle and in practice, from the panorama of the human past, from the rich diversity of contemporary cultures, and from the perplexities of individual experience in art, religion, the privacies of thought, and the publicity of action. They will search out the a priori elements in experience and the empirical genesis of thought. They may try, although they will surely (...)
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    Response to Hick.William P. Alston - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (3):287-288.
    This is a response to Hick’s comments on my approach to the problem of religious diversity in Perceiving God. Before unearthing the bones I have to pick with him, let me fully acknowledge that I have not provided a fully satisfactory solution to the problem. At most I have done the best that can be done given the constraints within which I was working. But this best, if such it be, is not as bad as Hick makes it appear. To (...)
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  14. Concepts of Epistemic Justification.William P. Alston - 1985 - The Monist 68 (1):57-89.
    Justification, or at least ‘justification’, bulks large in recent epistemology. The view that knowledge consists of true-justified-belief has been prominent in this century, and the justification of belief has attracted considerable attention in its own right. But it is usually not at all clear just what an epistemologist means by ‘justified’, just what concept the term is used to express. An enormous amount of energy has gone into the attempt to specify conditions under which beliefs of one or another sort (...)
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  15. Beyond "Justification": Dimensions of Epistemic Evaluation.William P. Alston - 2005 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    " In a book that seeks to shift the ground of debate within theory of knowledge, William P. Alston finds that the century-lo.
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  16. Divine Nature and Human Language: Essays in Philosophical Theology.William P. Alston - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Divine Nature and Human Language is a collection of twelve essays in philosophical theology by William P. Alston, one of the leading figures in the current renaissance in the philosophy of religion. Using the equipment of contemporary analytical philosophy, Alston explores, partly refashions, and defends a largely traditional conception of God and His work in the world a conception that finds its origins in medieval philosophical theology. These essays fall into two groups: those concerned with theological language and those (...)
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    Philosophy of language.William P. Alston - 1964 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  18. How to Think about Reliability.William P. Alston - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (1):1-29.
  19.  26
    Implicit depth cues do not create subjective contours.William P. Banks & Stephen Coffin - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (3):265-265.
  20.  29
    (2 other versions)What happens to accounts of mind-brain relations if we forgo an architecture of rules and representations?William P. Bechtel - 1986 - Philosophy of Science Association 1986:159 - 171.
    The notion that the mind is a physical symbol system (Newell) with a determinate functional architecture (Pylyshyn) provides a compelling conception of the relation of cognitive inquiry to neuroscience inquiry: cognitive inquiry explores the activity within the symbol system while neuroscience explains how the symbol system is realized in the brain. However, the view the the mind is a physical symbol system is being challenged today by researchers in artificial intelligence who propose that the mind is a connectionist system and (...)
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    Moral Statement and Pastoral Adaptation.William P. George - 1992 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 12:135-156.
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    Listening to the wilderness: The life and work of Sigurd F. Olson.William P. Cunningham - 2000 - Ethics, Place and Environment 3 (3):323 – 329.
    (2000). Listening to the Wilderness: The Life and Work of Sigurd F. Olson. Ethics, Place & Environment: Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 323-329.
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    Philosophical abstracts.William P. Alston - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (4).
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  24. Obadiah through Malachi.William P. Brown - 1996
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  25. The moral cosmologies of creation.William P. Brown - 2007 - In R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley, Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
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    Crossing the Shareholder-First Border.William P. Smith & Barrie E. Litzky - 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 30:66-72.
    This project investigates critical issues and events related to Trek Therapeutics experience as a public benefit corporation. We will present and discuss how Trek differentiates itself in an industry where the attention is on high prices supporting high investor returns. Trek’s benefit corporation status helped it garner favorable attention in some respects, but has also presented challenges, particularly when it comes to attracting new capital.
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    Faith, Reason, and Existence.William P. Alston & John Hutchison - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (1):134.
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    Internal Relatedness and Pluralism in Whitehead.William P. Alston - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (4):535 - 558.
    This fundamental thesis of the essential interconnectedness of particular occasions is reiterated by Whitehead in a variety of formulations throughout his later works, all expressing the same basic conviction. To say that all the relations which an event has are internal to it is also to say that it is essential to it that the other entities which form the opposite termini of these relations be just as they are; for unless the other relata were just as they are, the (...)
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  29. Plantinga's Epistemology of Religious Belief.William P. Alston - 1985 - In James Tomberlin & Peter van Inwagen, Alvin Plantinga (Profiles, Vol. 5). D. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 289-311.
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  30. Swinburne on Faith and Belief.".William P. Alston - 1994 - In Richard Swinburne & Alan G. Padgett, Reason and the Christian religion: essays in honour of Richard Swinburne. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Distinctiveness of the Epistemology of Religious Belief.William P. Alston - 1999 - In Godehard Brüntrup & Ronald K. Tacelli, The Rationality of Theism. Boston: Springer. pp. 237--254.
  32. Why Should There Not Be Experience of God?William P. Alston - 2000 - In Brian Davies, Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  33.  9
    Lies we believe about God.William P. Young - 2017 - New York: Atria Books.
    God loves us but doesn't like us -- God is a Christian -- God wants to use me -- God is good, I am not -- God is more he than she-- God wants to be a priority in our lives -- You need to get saved -- God is in control. -- Death is more powerful than God -- God responds to magic -- God is a prude -- God does not submit -- God likes (my) religion -- God (...)
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    Mentiras que creemos sobre Dios.William P. Young - 2018 - Nueva York: Atria Español. Edited by William P. Young.
    From the author of the New York Times bestselling novels The Shack, Cross Roads, and Eve comes a compelling, conversational exploration of the wrong-headed ideas we sometimes have and share about God. Now available in Spanish.
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  35. Vagueness.William P. Alston - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 218--221.
  36. Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader.William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.) - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    2. Daugman, J. G. Brain metaphor and brain theory 3. Mundale, J. Neuroanatomical Foundations of Cognition: Connecting the Neuronal Level with the Study of Higher Brain Areas.
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  37. Problems of philosophy of religion.William P. Alston - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 4.
  38.  38
    Tò πλẽθος in a Treaty Concerning the Affairs of Argos, Knossos and Tylissos.William P. Merrill - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):16-.
    Two inscriptions, one found at Tylissos on Crete, the other found at Argos, both dated about 450, concern relations between Argos and the Cretan towns of Knossos and its smaller neighbour, Tylissos. The close relationship between the treaties of fragment A and fragment B – and therefore the interconnection among Argos, Knossos, and Tylissos – seems generally recognized by scholars. The articles of the agreement lay down a diverse and complex set of arrangements among the three parties, but as a (...)
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    (1 other version)Consciousness and relativity - a reply to professor Bode.William P. Montague - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (8):209-212.
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    Signs in Song.William P. Dougherty - 2011 - Semiotics:313-320.
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    How large should a complex system be? An application in organizational teams: Research Articles.William P. Millhiser & Daniel Solow - 2007 - Complexity 12 (4):54-70.
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  42. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language.William P. Alston - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (79):172-179.
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    Pragmatism and the theory of signs in Peirce.William P. Alston - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1):79-88.
  44.  8
    (1 other version)The problems of philosophy.William P. Alston (ed.) - 1974 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
  45. Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology.William P. Alston - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (1):179-221.
    Internalism restricts justifiers to what is "within" the subject. two main forms of internalism are (1) perspectival internalism (pi), which restricts justifiers to what the subject knows or justifiably believes, and (2) access internalism (ai), which restricts justifiers to what is directly accessible to the subject. the two forms are analyzed and interrelated, and the grounds for each are examined. it is concluded that although pi is both unacceptable and without adequate support, a modest form of ai might be defended.
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    The emergent idea of race.William P. Nye - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (3):345-372.
  47.  14
    Feeding environment and the activity-stress ulcer.William P. Pare - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (6):546-548.
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    Shock predictability and plasma gastrin in the rat.William P. Paré & Andrew Livingston - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):289-291.
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    Divine-Human Dialogue and the Nature of God.William P. Alston - 1985 - Faith and Philosophy 2 (1):5-20.
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  50. Epistemic Justification: Essays in the Theory of Knowledge.William P. Alston - 1989 - Cornell University Press.
    Introduction As the title indicates, the chief focus of this book is epistemic justification. But just what is epistemic justification and what is its place ...
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